With Olinn, you'll enjoy an all-in-one approach for your equipment


Today, as players in the healthcare industry, you are simultaneously faced with several imperatives:

  • To comply with stringent regulatory requirements
  • To attract and retain your medical teams
  • To provide patients with the best possible care

This means that your medical equipment is an essential component in meeting these challenges. And access to high-performance professional technology equipment is essential for optimising patient care, promoting R&D innovation, enabling telemedicine and remote operations, and retaining surgeons and specialist doctors.

MRIs, scanners, ultrasound, mammography, radiology, orthopantomography, bone densitometry, computer and telemedicine equipment, operating theater devices, endoscopic lasers, medical beds and hospital vehicles, orthopaedic equipment... These items are sometimes expensive and need to be replaced regularly. Healthcare professionals therefore need to adopt the right investment strategies in this area.

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