Computer hardware

Matériel informatique

Supporting you in all your IT needs

Olinn finances your digital transformation projects, such as your IT equipment (computers, PCs, screens, etc.), the installation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) business management software and the deployment of IT infrastructures.

Olinn finances your digital transformation projects, such as your IT equipment (computers, PCs, screens, etc.), the installation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) business management software and the deployment of IT infrastructures.

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When you choose Olinn, our IT lifecycle management teams offer you solutions for financing your equipment and maintaining it in operational condition, and thereby extending the lifespan of your equipment for the sake of economic, operational and environmental efficiency. And with no hidden costs!

Picto commande

Reconditioning old equipment

We buy your equipment to give it a second life.

Picto intégration


We help you choose your equipment, whether new or reconditioned in our shops.

Picto financement


Together, we choose the financing that best suits how you manage and scale your equipment.

Picto gestion des parcs

Resource management

Our Parc Manager tool will allow you to better manage your IT resources, anticipate renewals and adapt them according to your financial constraints and the actual value of each piece of equipment.

Picto Reprise et Reconditionnement

Trade-in and Reconditioning

At the end of the contract, we recover your obsolete equipment as part of a social and environmentally conscious model, in compliance with the GDPR standard and specific WEEE processes.

Avantages économiques informatique

With Olinn, you'll enjoy all the advantages offered by rental investments, and:

  • Preserve your investment capacity,
  • Optimise your financial balance sheets (expenses, cash flow and taxes),
  • Control the cost of ownership,
  • Only pay for the use of the equipment, for the time you use it.

We refurbish your obsolete equipment via our re-use and recycling channel, with official Entreprise adaptée (EA, “disability-friendly company”) status. As such, the invoices we produce for services associated with asset trade-ins enjoy a partial exemption from the French AGEFIPH and FIPHFP contribution schemes.


With Olinn, control IT performance and costs

Our teams will advise you in sourcing your new and reconditioned equipment and deploying your digital projects.

We identify which of your equipment needs to be renewed and quantify the associated financial costs.

We employ a lifecycle management process for your equipment, with the flexibility to replace, upgrade or keep your equipment longer.

Avantages opérationnels informatique
Avantages RSE informatique
CSR Benefits

With Olinn, you can be a responsible player in your industry

With Olinn managing your obsolete equipment, you can become a responsible player on a social and environmental level.

Participate in the solidarity economy.
By choosing Olinn, you are a socially responsible player, creating jobs for people with disabilities.

Take action for the environment.
With Olinn, you're opting to reuse and recycle, and thereby helping to save resources and limit the production of CO2.